Top 100 Advantages of Blogging - Why You Should Blog?

1. Use blogging as a tool to be kept updated and in the latest developments and products of your field. 2. Blogging helps in adding fresh relevant content to website which search engines like. 3. You can build up your business creditability with the help of blogging. 4. A blog is a great tool to help increase your customer base. 5. Get free and fresh content with the help of comments that are made in blogs. This can be like User-generated content or UGC. 6. Create and establish a brand and brand awareness with blogs. 7. Help build trust between you and your readers and customers through blogs. 8. Enhance your website effectively and cheaply with the help of a blog. 9. Blogs are an easy way to establish two way communication and social interaction. 10. There is a higher and better chance of getting viral over social media sites with the help of a blog. 11. People generally consider reading a blog much better because of their non promotional tone and informative nature. 12. Blogs give you an easy way of approving comments before posting as against to social media sites where you have very little or no control at all. 13. Create more targeted traffic to your websites through search engines using blogs. 14. Blogs help to save time as visitors find many answers to their questions there. 15. Rumors about a business can be clarified through a blog. 16. With a blog, you not only become famous, but also gain power which you had never experienced. 17. Blogs have a huge part in SEO. Blogs are loved by Google and other Search Engines. 18. With the help of a blog, the Google PR of your site is enhanced. 19. Blogs are a great means of increasing potential traffic to your site. 20. Develop free PR for your business with a blog. 21. Blogs are great for creating returning targeted traffic. 22. The interactive nature of blogs makes people choose blogs over websites for links. 23. Remember that blogs consist mainly of text; and in SEO, text is king. 24. The comments posted on your blogs can give you better business ideas and tricks for your business. 25. Use blogs to express your thoughts. You can also use the blog to exercise your freedom of speech. 26. You can share whatever knowledge you have using a blog. 27. You will be considered an expert in your field because of a blog. 28. Use the help of RSS and links in getting targeted traffic to your blog. 29. Maintain public relations and relations with the media through your blog. 30. When compared to normal website pages, spiders tend to crawl blog posts more frequently. 31. Blog is a great means of creating a buzz or voice of mouth advertising. 32. Use the blog as a foundation for the content of a book. 33. Develop your business with the help of your blog. 34. Remain connected with people 24/7 with a blog. 35. You get new visitors and potential clients with the help of blogs. 36. Blogs are helpful and beneficial to the community. 37. Blogs are used to share company news. 38. Blogs are used as a communication link between employers and employees. 39. Blogs indicate that you are an easily approachable entity. 40. Keep in touch with industry leaders through blogs. 41. Use blogs in educational marketing, where you show how your services and products can be used to solve customers' problems. 42. Blogs maintain convenient internal communication to share information in a company. 43. Find out more about your customers and clients' needs through blogs. 44. Use blogs to create an online community. 45. Blogs provide easy communication with clients. 46. Talent is easily found with the help of blogs. 47. Blogs are used for getting back links. 48. Use blogs for getting internal links. 49. Blogs are regularly indexed by Google. 50. Use blogs to get free links from blog directories. 51. Develop easy and efficient deep linking with blogs. 52. Share any ideas you have on a blog. 53. Use blogs to solve problems. 54. Blogs are used for marketing because of its low overheads. 55. The navigation on blogs is text based, and search engine friendly. 56. The non promotion tone of blogs makes them very easy to link. This makes blogs highly linkable. 57. Use blogs to generate quick feedbacks. 58. A blog is a really great promotional tool. 59. Use blogs to convey authority. 60. You can easily target variety of keywords using blog. 61. Search engines find blogs easy to crawl. 62. Use a blog to let people and clients to get to know you better. 63. The RSS feeds of blogs help in efficient link building. 64. Blogs indicate that you are open, and don't hide from anyone. 65. Use a blog to increase membership and opt-in lists. 66. Blogs are great for educating and informing people about specific topics 67. You can learn time management and discipline through a blog. 68. Find new partners and experience better networking through blogs 69. Use a blog as a platform for announcing new products and services. 70. Use blogs to reply to queries. 71. Both cultural and geographical borders are overcome through blogging. 72. The long tail keywords in blogs help you get top rankings as blog are mostly hosted on very reliable domains. Blogging give you an excellent platform to target long tail keywords and get top ranking. 73. Generate a niche appeal using a blog. 74. Blogs bring about a more personal connection between yourself and your clients. 75. A blog helps you find jobs and clients quickly. 76. A blog can be easily integrated into a market plan. 77. Get to meet new visitors and buyers through guest blogging. 78. A blog offers increased lead generation opportunities. 79. Learn current trends through blogging. 80. A blog means low cost, better communication. 81. With a blog, you experience reduced emails, calls and inquiries. 82. You can also boost your social life with a blog. 83. Flexibility is an important feature of blogs. 84. The easy web publishing solutions make blogs much easier to set up and maintain than websites. 85. Blogs provide a punctual and important means of sharing information with an audience. 86. With the help of a blog, you can increase your writing, debating and analytical skills. 87. Use a blog to generate money with Ad sense and Affiliate marketing. 88. A blog is a great and easy publishing tool. 89. With a blog, you can introduce a human voice or element in a company. 90. Blogs provide a great medium for opportunities and to use as a research tool. 91. You can increase the number of your loyal customers with blogs as it helps you get close with customers. 92. With a blog, you become different from your competition. This is because the medium tends to approach you if you have a blog and not the competitor who does not have a blog. 93. Blogs offer different and varies means of spreading ideas. 94. Blogs are considered a great means of relational marketing. This is because once you post honest and heart felt blogs, you instill trust and respect in prospective customers. 95. Manage your online reputation by using a blog to answer any negative remarks made about you by a competitor. In other words, blogs help you stop rumors from spreading. 96. With a blog, you can easily create more pages which is great for search engines that rank pages and not sites. With a blog, you need not bother about the fitting in of the new pages with design. 97. You can use a blog for recording all your past experiences and thus, start a sort of history about yourself. 98. Blogging is fun. Blogging is something everyone enjoys doing. 99. It has been proven that blogging offers some medical and psychological benefits like better memory and sleep and fast healing after a surgery. 100. After creating quality posts like this one, you develop a feeling of satisfaction.
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Blog Traffic Unleashed - 2 Top Tips for Increasing Your Blog Traffic Incessantly

There are all sorts of ways to build traffic to a blog, but it's hard to ignore the effectiveness of boosting your search engine rankings and watching people stream into your site through Google searches.
The way to do this, of course, is to get links pointing to your site. Lots and lots of links. It really helps if those links have your keywords in the anchor text (the blue underlined clicky clicky stuff).
If you're blogging already (you are all blogging, aren't you?), then two painless link generation methods are participating in blog carnivals and guest blogging. I've used both these methods to increase the links to my Writing for Your Wealth blog as well as the other sites I own and make a living from.
Blog Carnivals
A blog carnival is a regular publication via blog post of links to freshly posted articles in a niche.
If your post is accepted (their standards aren't usually too rigorous), you'll typically get a link to your story and a link to your blog's home page. To get keyword-rich links, just make sure to include your niche's hot keywords in the title of your blog post.
Each week (or however often the "carnival" is published), a different blog hosts, so every time it's published is another opportunity to pick up backlinks from a new site.
How do you get started?
It doesn't get easier than this. If you wrote up something good for the week, head over to the aptly named Blog Carnival site, look up "carnivals" related to your niche, and submit the link of your article.
If you write something good every week, submit it every week, and snag some free links!
Some niches such as business and personal finance are hot, with many different blog carnivals devoted to each (yes, you can submit the same post to all, as long as your story is related to them all), but chances are you can find at least one blog carnival in other niches too.
Guest Blogging
Another great way to build links to your site is through guest blogging. This involves a little more work (you can't just submit an article you've already posted on your blog), but it can be well worth the effort, especially if you get your story posted on a big, popular blog in your niche.
Here's how it works:
You write a blog post for another blog and submit it for the owner's consideration. If they publish it on their site, they'll generally give you a bio blurb with a link to your site. You may also be able to include a link to your site in the post itself (ask the blogger what is allowed).
Not only is this a chance to gain a link to your site, but if the readers of the other blog like your post, they may just click through and check out your site. You could snag some new RSS readers out of the gig.
To find guest blogging opportunities, simply visit blogs in your niche and see if they have a page about guest blogging. (Lots of bloggers are offering these opportunities these days, as it means free original content for them!) Even if you don't see anything about guest blogging opportunities, that doesn't mean the owner won't consider it. It doesn't hurt to write to them and ask.
For best results, it can be helpful to post some comments on the person's blog before approaching them. Also consider referencing one or more of their older posts, to show that you're a follower of their blog, and not just some drive-by blogger looking for a link!
Blog carnivals and guest blogging are great ways to earn one-way links to your site and increase your clout with the search engines. Now get out there and write!
Learn more about making a living from writing and blogging at Writing

Blog - Before You Start Your Blog, 3 Tips to Avoid Disaster

Do you want to avoid blogging disaster? Many new bloggers start a blog on a wing and a prayer. When their blog fails -- no traffic, no money -- they lose heart. If this has happened to you, please realize that it doesn't have to be like that.
YOU can make money blogging: your success or failure is determined before you start. Let's look at three steps which will ensure that your next blog is a roaring, profitable success.
1. Research Buying Keywords
Do keyword research first. Keywords are those words which searchers type into the search engines to find your blog.
Aim to collect as many "buying" keywords as you can.
For example, let's say you want to start a diet blog. "Weight loss" is a keyword. However, it's not the kind of keyword you'd use to launch a blog. Ask yourself what the searcher is thinking when he/ she types in that keyword. Chances are, the searcher is looking for information.
To make money from this particular searcher, you would have had great success back in 1999. Nowadays, such un-targeted keywords are a waste of time for you if you're just starting out.
You want highly targeted keywords like "buy diet program" or "best weight loss program" -- with keywords like these, you're much more likely to gain site visitors who are ready and willing to spend money.
2. Research Monetization
And speaking of money, that's your next step. Decide how you'll monetize your blog. Will you sell (as in our example) diet products and services? Find at least ten products you'd feel comfortable selling.
Just make a list of products, and keep it safe. You'll need some content on your blog before most affiliate networks will let you promote their programs.
3. Write Content -- at Least Ten Articles
So that's your next step: write at least ten articles you'll post on your blog WHEN you finally create it.
Please complete ALL three steps before you create your next blog. Unsuccessful bloggers try to leap-frog these steps, and just create a blog... you may know already that that rarely works.
Happy blogging: remember, you can make money blogging, if you prepare first -- your success depends on it.
Order "Blogging for Dollars" at
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Write a Book on Your Blog - Make Money Before You Get Published

You could write a book and make money, Do you know that? In the past it took years to see your book on bookstore shelves. With the evolution of blogs however, not only can you now cut down on the time publication takes, you can even make money while you're writing.
Authoring your book on a blog has one nice advantage: you're no longer writing alone. You get readers while you're writing, and some of those readers may be agents and publishers.
Many authors have been "discovered" via their blogs. One example is the book "Julie and Julia: My Year of Cooking Dangerously": new author Julie Powell received a book contract to turn her popular blog into a book.
How to Get Started Writing a Book on Your Blog
So how do you start? Here's a suggestion: treat your blog as your book's journal. You don't even need to have an idea for your book before you get started: blog as you explore possible ideas, and do research.
Most authors journal as they write a book, simply because writing a book takes a long time, and selling the book to a publication house takes even longer. A book journal not only keeps you inspired to write, it also helps you to overcome your doubts and fears. You can use a blog as your book's journal.
In your book journal blog, you can write about your process, your word count, and you can include excerpts from your drafts too.
If you wish, you can write the entire book on your blog, as Robert Scoble and Shel Israel did when they wrote their book about blogging, "Naked Conversations."
Publishers are actively looking for "blooks", that is, blogs they can turn into books. Therefore, if your book has a chance at publication, you may get a contract before you complete it. If you don't, why worry? You can make money from your blog, and can self-publish the book as a print or an ebook when it's complete.
Should you write your book on your blog? If you're committed to your book, blogging gives you the chance to take years off the publication process, and to make money from your book too, long before it's completed.
Blogging is fast, and it's easy: get a free blogging tutorial from and set up a blog in less than 90 seconds. You can make money writing online with a blog, so get started.
For a complete home business in a blog, you need Blogging for Dollars eBook package at - it's been creating professional bloggers for three years.